1. Read Revelation 3:7-13. What is missing in the message to this church?
2. A form of the Greek work philadelphia (phileo–to love, adelphos–brother or near kinsman) is used six times in the New Testament. How is it used in these verses? Why might this church be given this name?
a. Romans 12:10
b. 1 Thessalonians 4:9
c. Hebrews 13:1
d. 1 Peter 1:22
e. 2 Peter 1:7 (2 times)
3. Jesus identifies Himself as holy to the church in Philadelphia? (HOLY–hagios–separated from sin and therefore consecrated to God). How is Jesus Christ described in each passage and by whom?
a. Mark 1:24
b. Luke 1:35
c. John 6:66-69
4. Jesus always identifies Himself in a way that relates to His message to that particular church. Jesus identifiesimself as “true” to the church in Philadelphia.
a. Why might Jesus call Himself “true” to this church?
b. What is the opposite of “true”–where the church is experiencing opposition?
5. Who might these Jews have been? Read the following verses.
a. John 8:44 What was the character of these Jews? Why?
b. 2 Corinthians 11: 14-15 Who do servants of Satan masquerade as?
c. Romans 2:28-29 Who is a true Jew?
d. Mark 12:1-12 What did the tenants do? Why?
6. What is going to happen, according to the message to the church in Philadelphia, to those who SAY they are Jews and are not?
7. Note each reference to the devil or Satan in Revelation 2 and 3. What these two chapters tell about Satan.
a. Revelation 2:9-10
b. Revelation 2:13
c. Revelation 2:24
d. Revelation 3:9
8. Jesus identifies Himself as the One ”who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.” Keys are a symbol of authority and power. In the following verses what pertains to Revelation 3:7?
a. Isaiah 22:22
b. Jeremiah 23:5-6
c. Jeremiah 33:14-22
d. Revelation 5:5
e. Revelation 22:16
f. Luke 1:30-33
9. Look up the following verses and determine what Jesus has or will have authority over.
a. Revelation 1:5
b. Revelation 1:18
c. Matthew 28:18
d. John 5:21, 26-29
10. The “open door” that is set before the church in Philadelphia could be the door to the kingdom Jesus guarantees they will enter, even though those of the synagogue of Satan say they won’t. Jesus has the keys of David, which enable Him to open so no one can shut and shut so no one can open. Another view is that the open door is a window of missionary opportunity. Philadelphia was founded as a missionary city to bring Hellenism in an Oriental land. In either case, why has Jesus given them an open door?
11. Why is Jesus going to keep the church in Philadelphia from the “hour of trial” that is going to come upon the world to test those who live on the earth (Revelation 3:10)? Why aren’t they included with the rest of the “inhabitants of the earth”?
12. Revelation 4-22 also tells of things that are going to happen to those who dwell on the earth. What happens to the “inhabitants of the earth”?
a. Revelation 6:10
b. Revelation 8:13
c. Revelation 11:10
d. Revelation 13:8, 14
e. Revelation 17:8
13. Luke 21:34-36 also talks about “all those who live on the earth.” What will happen to them? How can we escape what is about to happen?
14. The Greek for the phrase “keep you from” can mean either “keep you from undergoing” or “keep you through.” These verses tell more about “the hour of trial.” TRIAL–(NIV), testing (NAS, temptation (KJV)–peirasmos–trials with a beneficial purpose and effect, divinely permitted or sent.
a. Daniel 12:1
b. Matthew 24:21
c. Mark 13:19
15. What is the promise and the exhortation to the church in Philadelphia in Revelation 3:11 and how does it relate to what they have been doing as indicated in verse 10?
16. What would be your response if this letter were written to you?