The Bible has much to say about the world leader in the end times–the man empowered by Satan and the embodiment of all those that have been against Christ in history.
1. Read Daniel 9:24-27. Review this important prophecy in considering the antichrist.
a. When does the antichrist appear in this passage? How can we recognize him?
b. Titus, a ruler of Rome, destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD. From which country will the antichrist come? How do you know?
c. When is the true character of the antichrist revealed to Israel?
(1 Read Isaiah 28:14-19. Who makes a “covenant with death”? Why are they so deceived—in Whom (Romans 9:32-33; 1 Peter 2:4-8) should they have put their trust? When will their “covenant with death” be annulled? How does this passage fit in with Daniel 9:27?
(2 Read Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14. Where does this passage fit into Daniel 9:27?
(3 Read 2 Thessalonians 2:4. When does this event occur in Daniel 9:27?
2. Read Daniel 2:31-45. Read Daniel 7. Bible historians have determined that the legs of iron on the statue in Daniel 2 and the fourth beast of Daniel 7 is Rome. Rome ruled the earth from 146 B.C. until A.D. 500. After that no empire has ruled the whole world. The time of the ten toes of Daniel 2 and the ten horns of Daniel 7 has not happened. That means that before the rock that was cut out, by not by human hands of Daniel 2 (the kingdom of the Most High of Daniel 7) appears there will be an empire which will rule the world made up of ten kingdoms. Who does the rock represent? Who is ruling when the rock hits the statue?
3. Re-read Daniel 7:7-8, 11, 17-27.
a. Describe the fourth beast.
b. Where will the ten horns come from?
c. What will the little horn uproot?
d. Describe the little horn.
e. Who does the little horn wage war against? For how long will he defeat them?
f. What will happen at the end of that time?.
4. Read Daniel 11. The “Beautiful Land” is a reference to Israel, which lies directly between the king of the South who comes from Egypt and the king of the North who comes from Syria.
a. Daniel 8:23-25 and Daniel 11:21-35 tells about Antiochus Epiphanes IV who ruled from 175-163. He is considered to foreshadow the antichrist. His brother’s son was to have the throne (king of the North), but Antiochus took it from him through intrigue. He set up an abomination of desolation in the temple at Jerusalem. Encyclopedias, Bible dictionaries or historical books have additional information about Antiochus or the Maccabees (who led a revolt against him).
(1 Note the military history of Antiochus Epiphanes IV from Daniel 8:23-25 and Daniel 11:21-35.
(2 Describe the personality of Antiochus from Daniel 8:23-25; 11:21-35.
(3 What kept some from being deceived?
(4 According to verse 35, what do you learn about Antiochus Epiphanes’s reign and “the end time”?
b. Nothing in history confirms Daniel 11:36-45 the way history confirms the first thirty-five verses of Daniel 11. There is at least a 2,000-year gap between verses 35 and 36.What do you learn about this king (whom most believe is the antichrist).
(1 Who will the king exalt himself above?
(2 How long will he be successful?
(3 What god will he honor? In what way? Who else will he honor? How?
(4 Who will help him attack the mightest fortresses?
(5 Who will fight against him? What will he invade? Who will escape?
(6 What will he also be able to do at this time according to Daniel 7:25?
(7 Where will he be when he comes to his end (Revelation 16:16; 19:11- 21)
5. Read Daniel 12.
a. One that stood on the bank of the river asked: “How long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled?” What is the answer? What parallel do you see between Daniel 7:25; 9:27 and 12:7?
b. Time, times and half a time =3 ½ years=42 months=1,260 days. This time period is mentioned in Daniel 7:25; 9:27 (“middle of that ‘seven’); 12:7 Revelation 11:2-3; 12:6, 14. Compare this with the time periods mentioned in Daniel 12:11-12. What are the differences in the number of days?
6. Some consider Zechariah 11:17 to be about the antichrist. Why could this be? If so, what do we learn about the antichrist?
7. What do you learn from Matthew 24:3-28 and Mark 13:3-23 concerning the abomination that causes desolation? Who is the abomination that causes desolation? What do you learn about the distress at that time? Notice the frequent mention of false prophets or christs in the end time. Why do you think they will be able to deceive many? How will this pave the way for the antichrist?
8. What do you learn about the man of lawlessness from 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12?
9. Before we look at what John tells us about the beast in Revelation, note what he says about the antichrist in his epistles.
a. 1 John 2:18-23
b. 1 John 4:1-6
c. 2 John 7-9
10. In the book of Revelation the first mention of the beast is found in Revelation 11:7. Consider the context. What do you learn?
11. Read Revelation 13. Notice all references to time. What is the extent of the first beast’s power? For how long? Reread Revelation 11:7; 13:3, 12, 14. What common fact do these verses give about the first beast? What is the relationship of the second beast to the first beast?
12. What does the first beast of Revelation 13 have in common with the beasts of Daniel 7?
13. Why do you think the beast coming out of the earth has two horns like a lamb and speaks like a dragon? (Notice Jesus’ warning in Matthew 5:17).
14. What do you learn about the signs the second beast performs? (Matthew 24:24 Mark 13:22 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 Revelation 13:13-14; 16:14; 19:20)
15. Who won’t be able to buy or sell? What will happen to those who take the mark (Revelation 14:9-11; 16:2; 19:20)? What will happen to those who refuse to take the mark (Revelation 20:4)? What does the mark symbolize?
16. What happens to the beast at the fifth bowl judgment? (Revelation 16:10-11) What happens to the beast at the sixth bowl judgment? (Revelation 16:12-16)
17. Read Revelation 17. What is the relationship between the beast and the prostitute? What is the relationship between the beast and the kings of the earth?
18. Record any relationship you see between the beast of Revelation 17:3, 8-17 and the little horn of Daniel 7:6, 11, 19-22, 24-26.
19. Re-read Revelation 17:9-11. You can see why this is a passage “calls for a mind with wisdom”. It is difficult to interpret! Following this lesson is a possible interpretation.
20. Although the beast is described in Revelation 17:7 as having seven heads and ten horns, which is also the way he is described in Revelation 13, it seems that in Revelation 17:12-17 the term “beast” is distinguished in a way separate from the ten horns. What do you see as the distinction between the beast and the ten horns in these verses?
21. What is the final end of the beast and his kingdom as record in Revelation 19:17-21?
The five that have fallen are Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persian Empire and Greece.
The four kingdoms of Daniel 2:7 are Babylon, Medo-Persian Empire, Greece and Rome.
1. Egypt–ruled over Israel 400 years
2. Assyria–conquered the northern kingdom of Israel in 722 B.C.
3. Babylon–conquered the southern kingdom of Judah in 605 B.C., destroyed Jerusalem and the temple in 586 B.C.
4. Medo-Persian Empire–ruled over Israel
5. Greece–ruled over Israel except during the Maccabean period
6. Rome–ruled from the time they conquered Greece right through the time when John wrote Revelation; the sixth head is referred to as “one is.”
7. “The other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for a little while.” Since, according to Daniel 2, there were to be only four kingdoms or world empires from the time of Daniel before God set up His kingdom, it seems that this would be a revived fourth kingdom, a form of the revived Roman Empire. (The fourth kingdom had legs of iron and feet of iron and clay.)
8. “The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction” Revelation 17:11–this is the antichrist or little horn, part of the seventh kingdom, who comes to power after the ten kings, conquers three, then become the world ruler (Daniel 7).
The antichrist or prince of the people who is to come makes a seven-year covenant with the many (Daniel 9:26-27). The antichrist or beast coming out of the sea (Revelation 13) is healed of a fatal wound (Revelation 13:3, 12, 14). The world worships him.
The beast coming out of the earth or false prophet (Revelation 13:11-17) is given power to perform miracles on behalf of the antichrist or first beast (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10; Revelation 13:13-14; 19:20) He sets up an image of the antichrist and threatens death to those who do not worship the image. Everyone is told to take the mark on the right hand or forehead or they can’t buy or sell.
The antichrist or man of lawlessness (2 Thessalonians 2:3-11) declares himself to be “God” and sets up an abomination of desolation in the temple of the Jews after putting a stop to the Jews’ sacrifice and grain offerings (Daniel 9:27 Matthew 24:14 Mark 13:14). For three and a half years (time, time and half a time) he rules the world and persecutes Israel except for those who apostatize and worship him (Daniel 7:25; 12:7 Revelation 13:5). He is successful until the final battle when God’s wrath is completed (Daniel 11:36).
Jesus destroys the antichrist’s or little horn’s kingdom and casts him and the false prophet into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:11-20) and sets up a kingdom that will last forever.
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