1. The more you read a passage of Scripture, the more you’ll find it stored in your heart by the Holy Spirit. Then He will bring it to your remembrance when you need it (John 14:26). Read aloud Revelation 2-3. What patterns (repeated words and phrases) are in the words Jesus dictates to John to be sent to the seven churches?
2. Read Revelation 2:1-7. The church of Ephesus is mentioned in Revelation 1:11; 2:1 Acts 18:19-20:17 1 Corinthians 15:32; 16:8 1Timothy 1:3 2 Timothy 1:18; 4:12 and the book of Ephesians is written to the church at Ephesus. If you were to evaluate the state of the church in Ephesus, what would you say about it?
3. Read Revelation 1:12-13, 16; 2:1; 3:1. Can you see any relationship between the way Jesus identifies or describes Himself to the church in Ephesus and what He says to them? What?
4. Do you think the church in Ephesus was aware of their spiritual condition? Why or why not?
“remove your lampstand. Immediate judgment.” NIV Study Bible
5. What are false apostles (1 Corinthians 4:1-3 2 Peter Jude)? What should be done about them (Revelation 2:2 1 Thessalonians 5:21 1 Corinthians 14:29 1 John 4:1)?
6. Jesus said, “You hate the practices of the Nicolatians, which I also hate.” Revelation 2:6
“Nicolatians. A heretical sect within the church that had worked out a compromise with the pagan society. They apparently taught that spiritual liberty gave them sufficient leeway to practice idolatry and immorality.” NIV Study Bible
What does Revelation 2:6 and 15 say about the Nicolatians?
7. Besides hating the practices of the Nicolatians, which Jesus hated, the Ephesians had done good deeds, worked hard, persevered, not tolerated wicked men, tested those who claimed to be apostles, endured hardships and not grown weary. But they had lost their first love. How is a Christian’s first love manifested? Is it labors on behalf of His kingdom? Being steadfast in the profession of Christianity? Being doctrinally sound? Being separated from those who are false teachers or messengers? What do you learn about “love” from these passages?
a. Mark 12:28-34
b. 1 John 5:1-3 John 15:10
c. 1 John 2:15-16 James 4:4
8. Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. Remember this is said in the midst of instruction on the subject of spiritual gifts–knowing the gifts, how they’re given, what our attitude should be toward those with differing gifts, and how these gifts are to be exercised. What did you learn about love that correlates with the state of the church in Ephesus?
9. The book of Acts tells what the early church was like. What was their “first love”? How did they demonstrate their “first love”?
a. Acts 2:41-47
b. Acts 5:27-42
10. Putting together all you have learned, what do you think Jesus meant when He said they had lost their first love?
11. The church in Ephesus had left their first love. What would Jesus have them do? What would your instructions be to someone who had left their first love?
12. What would be the end result of failing to obey our Lord’s command to repent and do the deeds done at first?
13. Examine your own life in respect to Jesus’ admonition to the church at Ephesus. Be honest and objective so that nothing hinders your relationship with Him. Remember, God does not condemn His children. He is always redemptive in all ways, and that’s His purpose in His letters to the churches.