The Wedding Supper of the Lamb and the final battle come after the Rapture and beginning of the Day of the Lord. However, let’s study Revelation 19 in order to cover all material before examining the Rapture and Day of the Lord fully.
1. Read Revelation 19. The first two words of this chapter are “after this.” After what?
2. Re-read Revelation 19:1-9. “Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” Revelation 19:9
a. Who is involved?
b. “His bride has made herself ready.” Revelation 19:7 How? What is she wearing?
c. When, why and where does the Marriage Supper of the Lamb happen?
3. Read Isaiah 25:6-9 and the context to determine your answers.
a. On what mountain will Who prepare what? (“rich food” could be symbolic of great spiritual blessing–see Isaiah 55:2)
b. When will this feast take place? What else will happen around this time?
4. Read Song of Songs 2:4. Why does Jesus prepare a banquet for us?
5. Read Matthew 22:2-14. Who is invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb?
6. Matthew 8:8-12 Luke 13:22-30 Who comes to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb?
7. Luke 12:35-48 What lesson is there for us?
8. Read Luke 17:35-38. What happens to the servant who begins to beat his servants and get drunk because he thinks his master is not coming?
9. Read Luke 14:16-24. What excuses do men use in not accepting Jesus’ invitation to His banquet?
10. In biblical times the father usually chose the bride for his son and the betrothal, a binding agreement, was made. At the time of the marriage, the wedding procession of the bridegroom and his friends went to the bride’s home, usually near midnight, to get her and her attendants and take them to his home. Vows were spoken under a canopy. The marriage supper followed, usually at the home of the groom. This feast lasted three to seven days. The festivities on the last day were the most elaborate. The marriage supper was the ‘bringing home” of a bride to her covenanted husband. Compare the relationship of the bride, bridegroom our relationship with Christ in these verses.
a. Isaiah 54:5-7
b. Isaiah 62:5
c. Matthew 9:14-15
d. Matthew 25:1-13 Note to whom this parable was told and why.
e. John 3:27-30
f. 2 Corinthians 11:2
g. Ephesians 5:22-32
h. Revelation 21:2, 9; 22:17
11. Where is the church just before our Lord comes to earth to reign? (John 14:1-3 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)
12. Where is the church just after the Marriage Supper of the Lamb? (Revelation 17:14; 19:11-21)
13. Re-read Revelation 19:11-21.
a. Who is the Rider on the white horse? How do you know? What does He look like? Why do you think He has a robe dipped in blood?
b. Who are the armies of heaven? (Deuteronomy 33:2 Psalm 68:17 Isaiah 13:3 Zechariah 14:5 1Thessalonians 3:13 Jude 14 Revelation 17:14; 19:18)
c. What does the sharp sword symbolize? (Isaiah 49:2 Hebrews 4:12 Revelation 2:12, 16; 19:15, 21)
d. What is invited to the great supper of God? What are they invited to eat?
14. Read Zechariah 14:12-20.
a. Who will the plague strike?
b. Describe what will happen physically to those struck with the plague?
c. Describe what will happen emotionally to those struck with the plague?
d. What will be collected according to v. 14?
e. What will happen to the animals in those camps?
f. What will happen to the survivors?
g. What is the Feast of Tabernacles? (Leviticus 23:34-36 Deuteronomy 16:13-16; 31:10-13 2 Chronicles 8:12-13 Ezra 3:4-5 John 7:2-3)
h. What is to come to the sacrifice God is preparing?
i. Where will this sacrifice be?
j. Describe what they will eat at this sacrifice.
15. Read Ezekiel 38- 39 (especially 39:4-6; 17-20)
a. What addition facts do you learn about the great supper of God?