1. Read Revelation 15. What are the last of the three sevenfold series of judgments called (Revelation 15:1, 7; 16:1)?
a. Read Revelation 15:2-4.
(1. Where is the sea of glass located? (Exodus 24:10 Ezekiel 1:22 Revelation 4:6; 15:2)
(2 What do you think the significance is of the sea of glass being mixed with fire?
(3 Who was standing beside the sea? Where are they at this time (where were they)? How can you tell?
(4 What is the major theme of the song of Moses (Exodus 15:1-21 Deuteronomy 23:1-43)? Why do you think they would sing the song of Moses?
“song of Moses. Ex 15:1-18 was sung on Sabbath evenings in the synagogue to celebrate Israel’s great deliverance from Egypt.” NIV Study Bible
(5 Psalm 22 is considered a prophecy of Jesus’ crucifixion. Psalm 22:19-31 may be a song of the Lord. If it is what would be some components of the song of the Lamb?
“song of the Lamb. The risen Lord triumphed over his enemies in securing spiritual deliverance for his followers (cf. Ps 22). NIV Study Bible
(6 How does their song on Revelation 15:3-4 compare to the songs of the past?
b. Read Revelation 15:5-8.
(1 Where is the temple located? What is the temple?
“tabernacle of the Testimony. The dwelling place of God during the desert wanderings of the Israelites (see Ex 40:34-35). It is so named because the ancient tent contained the two tablets of the Testimony brought down from Mount Sinai (Ex 32:15; 38:21 Dt 10:5).” NIV Study Bible
(2 What are the seven angels wearing? What does this show about them?
“golden sashes. Symbolic of royal and priestly functions.” NIV Study Bible
(3 Name other ways (besides having His royal subjects carrying our His judgments) the holiness of God and the rightness of His judgments are shown in this passage?
2. Read Revelation 16.
a. Read Revelation 16:1-10. What is in the seven bowls? Who tells the angels to pour the contents on the earth?
(1 Compare the first four bowls to the first four trumpet judgments (Revelation 8:7-12).
“ugly and painful sores. The boils and abscesses of the sixth Egyptian plague (Ex 9:9-11 also Job 2:7-8, 13) NIV Study Bible
(2 What does water turning to blood symbolize as explained in the text—why is the world judged in this way?
(3 Compare the Egyptian plague of darkness (Exodus 10:21-23) with the fifth bowl judgment. List differences and similarities. Do you think this darkness will cover the whole earth? Why or why not?
“throne of the beast. Satan’s throne in 2:10. ‘Throne’ occurs 42 times in Revelation. The other 40 references are of the throne of God.” NIV Study Bible
“God of heaven. Used in Da 2:44 of the sovereign God who destroys the kingdoms of the world and establishes his universal and eternal reign.” NIV Study Bible
b. Read Revelation 16:12-16.
(1 Do you think the kings from the East recognize that the drying up of the Euphrates is a judgment of God? Why or why not?
(2 What are the evil spirits that looked like frogs? Who do they enter?
“frogs. Lev 11:10 classifies the frog as an unclean animal. The imagery suggests the deceptive propaganda that will, in the last days, lead people to accept and support the cause of evil.” NIV Study Bible
(3 Some have suggested that the dragon, beast and false prophet are an evil trinity. Satan loves to imitate and distort the truths of God. Who are the dragon, beast and false prophet? How could these three apply to impersonating the Trinity?
(4 These spirits perform miraculous signs. What does this tell about the ability of evil to deceive?
(5 Notice “kings from the East” (v 12) and “kings of the whole world” (v 14). Why are they mentioned as two groups?
(6 Who is blessed in this instance? Why? What church does this description remind you of (Revelation 3:17-19)? How is there a similar application?
(7 The kings gather at a place called Armageddon. Much is said in the Bible about this battle, which we will study at a later time. Why do you think this location was chosen for this important battle?
“Armageddon. Probably stands for Har Mageddon, ‘The mountain of Megiddo’. Megiddo and Taanach dominate the main pass that runs northeast through the hill country from the plain of Sharon to the Valley of Jezreel. Because of its strategic location, the ‘plain of Mediggo (2Ch 25:22) has been a frequent battleground from the earliest times.” NIV Study Bible
c. Read Revelation 16:17-21.
(1 “It is done!” Revelation 16:17 What is done?
(2 Describe the earthquake and the hail. What is distinctive about this earthquake? Why do you think this earthquake occurs at this time?
(3 During which judgment is Babylon destroyed?
(4 How do men react to this severe punishment (Revelation 16:9-11, 21)? What does it show about their hearts (Proverbs 19:3)?
3. Summarize the seal, trumpet and bowls judgments, their relationship to each other and the chapters where each judgment is covered.